Enstrom Candies

Forever the Moment


Growing up in Montrose, CO I was always familiar with the local celebrity of candies, Enstrom Toffee. It’s really good. And I’m not just saying that because I have to, it’s like really good. Besides the fact that Enstrom Candies makes really great toffee – they also have a reputation for being a very incredibly thoughtful, high-end, traditionalist, gift.

Below are two totally different ways of approaching this candy client in traditional broadcast.

The Janitor – stems from the desire for real human connection and how everyday product can play a real role in forming those relationships.

The Gift Giver’s Manifesto – the perfect dichotomy between the immense effort and attention to detail that Enstrom gifts to it’s products and the equaled effort of, what they like to call, the elite gifters.

Role: Art Director

The Janitor

Gift Giver’s Manifesto


American Indian College Fund